Starting this blog…

The original plan to use this blog to give reviews on restaurants and stores of Boston has changed to some extent. In September, me and my partner moved from the “big” city of Boston to a rural NH town. While this changes the original plan of our blog- it does open a lot of exciting new prospects…

-A whole new region to discover Vegan friendly establishments!
-A chance to grow organic food in our own backyard! (with the blessing of a great landlord/neighbor)
-New challenges in finding foods we used to enjoy/making up new versions of those old foods

The plan is to update this blog 3 times a week.  It’ll cover various foods we eat, Kelsey’s gluten allergy, and other various items along the way.  Hopefully this will encourage us to try new recipes which we’ll share, try new restaurants to review, and potentially join local ethical eating groups… In the process, it’ll also be great to potentially meet other vegans via this blog, or people interested in the vegan lifestyle.

Ethically yours,

Matt & Kelsey

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